Success Stories

Janet Clarke
HR Management
I started working with Cora at a stage in my life when I felt lost and overwhelmed.
Having just had a milestone birthday, many key aspects of my life were not as I wanted them to be. I was stuck in old patterns and uncertain about how to change.
Over a period of four months, Cora coached me to recognize and leverage the power within myself. Cora is an insightful coach and a kind and encouraging champion. I felt very safe and comfortable speaking to Cora; there was never any judgment, only acceptance and a sincere desire to help.
Since I started working with Cora, many positive changes have come into my life. Most importantly, I feel liberated from chronic victimhood and negative, anxious thoughts. I intend to use all the tools and wisdom Cora has shared to continue making choices that will enable me to live my best life and become the best version of myself.

Gail Moorhouse
Executive Director
Community Futures
I engaged Cora to help me sort through several personal and career issues I was struggling with.
I quickly developed a trust in her intuition. I felt comfortable sharing my real stuff — I had lost a son to suicide, and that brought a ton of guilt. Also, my career was not where I wanted it to be. I was working hard with poor results. We mapped out my priorities and some actions I could commit to.
Fast-forward to about 18 months later, and Cora called me and said, “You know you have everything you said you wanted,” and she was right! I did! However, the route I had taken to get there was entirely different.
For the past three years, I have had the best job, and I am grateful to women like Cora, who gave me a little push and helped me achieve some meaningful results in many areas of my life.

Linda Kash
Actress, Performing Arts, Director
The results were pretty astounding.
I worked with Cora when I felt at a difficult crossroads in my life, both professionally and personally. Cora’s greatest gift is that she helps you figure out what you genuinely want and makes you think you did it by yourself!
When one is clear in one’s intentions, the rest seems to fall quite easily into place. In my case, the results were astounding and, most surprisingly, almost immediate.
It’s a deeply profound experience without ever feeling intrusive.

Ray Bonenberg
Regional Director (retired), Ministry of Natural Resources
Our organization was facing financial pressures and demands.
Our organization faced financial pressures and demands to produce outcomes in a complex and diverse environment. Due to tight operating dollars, our staff was struggling to deliver strategic priorities.
I found Cora to be an excellent listener who can explore the not-so-obvious aspects of why the situation is the way it is. She has various tools that can help guide processes to achieve the results that leaders need.
Working with Cora has helped me set my priorities, help our leadership team achieve theirs, and take the necessary steps to realize the changes we need. It has also enabled me to see the potential obstacles that we may face and overcome them.
I am much less anxious about aspects that I can’t actively control.
I have improved my ability to articulate a vision for success and am more patient with the constant course corrections needed to succeed.

Rose Manser
Fleming Professor
I am forever grateful that this world has Cora to guide people.
Cora is an excellent Trainer, Facilitator, and Coach who helps many people and industries deal with various issues in their lives.
She helps people with many things, including managing family situations, emotional or physical trauma, workplace concerns, and strategic planning. Her kind heart and vast wisdom in a wide variety of tools, techniques, and strategies help people grow and develop themselves toward achieving their personal and/or professional goals.
I have experienced and witnessed her help firsthand and am forever grateful that this world has Cora in it to guide people with grace, integrity, and wisdom in a positive direction, with confidence and strategies to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

Dorothea Helms
Writer, The Writing Fairy
Cora Whittington is one of the finest business facilitators/consultants I know.
Her strategic planning knowledge and experience are appropriate for all audiences, from start-ups to major corporations.
Cora’s left and right brains are both active, so she is uniquely qualified to handle the nuts and bolts of business and the psychological aspects of the people involved.

Rosemary Eckert
Senior, Age 89
I wish I had found her years ago.
I want to let you know about my experience with Cora. She has been a wonderful help. We discussed my problem, and with her help, we found a solution. I am grateful for all of her input.
I wish that I had found her years ago

Loana Bennett
Retired, Widow
You offered me a safe place to land during a very painful period.
In 2010, my beloved husband of 35 years died shockingly and suddenly. The grieving process was arduous. I reached out to Cora for some guidance.
Cora’s kind and compassionate council offered me a soft place to land during a very painful period of coming to terms with this devastating loss.

Heather Rich
Retired Bank Employee
You are very patient, understanding, and very intuitive to my situation.
We were able to work through life situations that were negatively affecting me.
You were very patient, understanding, and intuitive about my situation, and you helped me move forward on my own path.
Introducing me to the Gene Path was very enlightening for me.
Thank you very much.

Matt Philips
Training Technician
Our sessions were nothing short of amazing.
When I started working with Cora, I was in a dark place with unresolved, buried emotions. Our sessions were nothing short of amazing, and we got to the root cause of issues I wasn’t aware of, which I was holding onto at the conscious level.
By keeping an open mind, my path would unfold during our time together, and I would leave our sessions optimistic, confident, and with a clear sense of purpose.
I am forever grateful, Cora. Thank you!

Christne Arringham
Sunny Hill Resort
I feel confident in my choices.
After working with Cora, I determined the negative patterns, beliefs, and barriers preventing me from reaching my potential. I could finally identify what I truly wanted in life. Because of Cora’s intuition and understanding, I felt very secure while exploring very personal and emotional issues. She was always very understanding and never judgmental, making it very easy to talk about things that I wanted to work on.
I cannot describe how different my life has become since working with Cora. I have opened up opportunities and feel confident in my choices.
For both professional and personal matters, Cora has helped me realize that we truly do create our own destinies and can overcome any obstacle.
I cannot thank Cora enough for her help, and I would recommend this work to anyone!

Sally Moore
Past President,
Writers Community of Durham Region
The result is a well-thought-out strategic plan.
Cora Whittington organizes a group of creative people into a business mindset that is both fun and productive.
Her ability to keep the pace moving, the topics relevant, and the ideas flowing is very constructive.
The result is a well-thought-out plan that our organization can live and grow with, full of creative ideas and strong business sense.

Shari Darling
Entrepreneur, Author,
Wine Writer
I highly recommend Cora’s coaching services.
I have known Cora for over a decade. When I met Cora, I was in the throws of a major lawsuit for a brand new house my husband and I purchased that was structurally unsafe and ultimately condemned. After spending a fortune on legal bills, I ended up having to be our own lawyer. I was up against three shark lawyers representing their insurance company clients. My husband had also been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and was raging unpredictably, and so I was dealing with that as well. Stressed out is an understatement.
Cora stood by my side through this whole journey, coaching me as another roadblock appeared literally on a daily basis. At the beginning of our coaching sessions, I was shaking, often crying, feeling hopeless, and filled with rage. By the end of each session, I felt free, full of possibility, had made important decisions, and could move forward with peace and confidence in this unknown world of civil law.
Cora coaches from both sides of her brain. Her coaching is logical and tangible. She is also right-brain gifted and highly intuitive. I needed someone to help me through the excessive details of my tangible world AND help me emotionally and spiritually understand the universal truth and why I was on this adverse journey.
I highly recommend her coaching services. She will help you find your way, meet your goals, resolve conflicts with difficult people, and fulfill your dreams!

Jen Charbonneau
Disordered Eating Consultant/Coach, Facilitator – Self Esteem/Self Acceptance
I uncovered, recognized, and embraced my gifts and talents.
It’s hard to know where to begin praising Cora’s work. I was a coaching student for six months, and as I look back through the pages of notes and ideas we worked on during that time, I can go through “the list“ and check EVERYTHING off!!
Cora’s support and guidance brought my awareness and understanding of my potential to new levels….I uncovered, recognized, and embraced my gifts and talents. Cora helped me to believe in my work, and with that motivation, I moved forward in leaps and bounds….. Her incredible insight and ability to help me see the “big“ picture clarified my dreams.
Thank you, Cora, from the deepest part of my soul……you have been such an AMAZING part of my journey…..!“

Dan Taylor
Past President & CEO, Greater Peterborough Area Economic Development Corporation
I’m really pleased that this was a collaborative result.
We had a good day, with some fun team-building, great food, and a bit of outdoor time, and we collectively came up with our “Why.”
I can’t tell you how important this is, and I believe it will have a positive impact on how we continue to shape our work.
I’m pleased that this was a collaborative result.
Thanks to everyone, including Cora, who did a great job facilitating our meeting!

Mary Carver
P.H.Ec., Public Relations/Food Literacy Coordinator, Ontario Home Economics Association
I can be unstoppable.
Thank you, Cora! You’ve taken OHEA a long way on this in one short week—it was amazing! I especially appreciate your steady leadership, your quick turnaround, and your ability to make us stretch our thinking to crystallize a vision.
The previous strategic plan was led by someone else—it was not nearly as productive or energizing. You’ve been awesome to work with, too!
Your Free Strategy Session
Imagine yourself able to move through the ever-changing complexities of your life with confidence, clarity, and calmness. If you are feeling lost or overwhelmed, then request your free strategy session now.